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makeEqualLength(SimpleVector) - Method in class com.threed.jpct.SimpleVector
Makes this SimpleVector the length of another SimpleVector, but only if its longer than this.
matches(int) - Method in class com.threed.jpct.VertexAttributes
Returns true, if these vertex attributes are matching a given vertex count, i.e. if these attributes can be used on a mesh with that vertex count.
matMul(Matrix) - Method in class com.threed.jpct.Matrix
Multiplies this matrix with another one.
matMul(Matrix) - Method in class com.threed.jpct.SimpleVector
Multiplies the SimpleVector with a matrix, i.e. it applies the matrix's transformation to the SimpleVector.
Matrix - Class in com.threed.jpct
This is jPCT's basic class for working with 4x4 matrices.
Matrix() - Constructor for class com.threed.jpct.Matrix
Creates a new matrix and sets it to the identity matrix.
Matrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class com.threed.jpct.Matrix
Creates a matrix from a given one.
MAX_PHYSICAL_TEXTURE_STAGES - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.TextureInfo
The maximum number of physical texture layers available.
maxAnimationSubSequences - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.Config
The maximum number of sub-sequences an Animation may contain.
maxLights - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.Config
The maximum number of lightsources that the Lights instance of a World may handle.
maxParentObjects - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.Config
The maximum number of parent objects every object may have. usually, an object has only one parent object anyway.
maxPolysVisible - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.Config
The maximum size of the VisList.
maxTextureLayers - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.Config
The maximum number of texture that a polygon can have.
maxTextures - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.Config
The inital number of textures the texture-manager can handle.
MemoryHelper - Class in com.threed.jpct.util
Memory related helpers.
MemoryHelper() - Constructor for class com.threed.jpct.util.MemoryHelper
mergeAll(Object3D...) - Static method in class com.threed.jpct.Object3D
Merges all objects in the array into one large object.
mergeObjects(Object3D, Object3D) - Static method in class com.threed.jpct.Object3D
Static method that merges two objects into a third one.
Mesh - Class in com.threed.jpct
In a Mesh, jPCT stores the actual vertex and triangle information for an object.
MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.Logger
The message is just that: a message
MODE_ADD - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.TextureInfo
Use addition for adding this texture layer
MODE_BLEND - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.TextureInfo
Use blending for adding this texture layer
MODE_DECAL - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.TextureInfo
Use the layer as a decal, i.e. the alpha channel defines the opacity.
MODE_MODULATE - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.TextureInfo
Use multiplication of color values for adding this texture layer
MODE_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.OcTree
Builds the octree in the "normal" way
MODE_OPTIMIZED - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.OcTree
Tries to build a more optimized octree.
MODE_REPLACE - Static variable in class com.threed.jpct.TextureInfo
For the sake of completeness.
moveCamera(int, float) - Method in class com.threed.jpct.Camera
Moves (translates) the camera with a given speed into "mode" direction relative to its current direction.
moveCamera(SimpleVector, float) - Method in class com.threed.jpct.Camera
Moves (translates) the camera with a given speed in an arbitrary direction (should be a normalized vector).
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